IT Managed Services | Intelinet Systems

Network Management

Network Management

What is Network Management?

Network management involves using a network management system to administer, manage, and operate a data network. Other aspects covered in network management are fault analysis and performance management. Simply put, network management is the act of keeping your network in good shape, which keeps your business flourishing. 

Elements of a Network Management

Network management is composed of multiple distinct components, making its definition broad. Some of the most talked-about elements are:

  • Network administration
  • Network Security
  • Network operation
  • Network maintenance
  • Network provisioning

What is the Significance of Network Management to Network Infrastructure?

The primary objective of IT network management is to ensure the network infrastructure and network management system are running efficiently and without hitches. There are numerous benefits to proper network infrastructure, namely:

  • Enhanced network security
  • Avoidance of expensive network impediments
  • Improved IT productivity

Enhanced Network Security

With effective network management, it’s easy to spot and act on threats before they spread and affect the end-users. Besides, network management focuses on ensuring compliance and regulatory requirements are complied with. Enhanced security also results in broad network privacy, affording the user the much-needed freedom when making use of their device. 

Avoidance of Expensive Network Impediments

Network instabilities can be extremely costly. Actually, the recent industry research reports show the cost can be upwards of $5,000 per minute. Network hindrances not only affect the business financially but also downs customers’ trust in the business. Many employees find it challenging to resolve customer issues and emerging needs with unstable and unresponsive corporate networks. This can make customers lose their trust in a given corporate due to having to wait for long to have their needs addressed. 

Improved IT Productivity

By keeping an eye on and learning various aspects of network management service, a functional network management system performs several jobs simultaneously. IT network management relieves IT staff the burden of handling networking issues, leaving them to concentrate on other aspects of the business. 

Bottom Line

From the above, it’s apparent that effective network management offers numerous benefits to corporate networks. Also, it’s evident that IT network management is broad and entails many aspects. 

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