

IT Lessons From Grandma

A Stitch In Time Saves Nine

O.k., maybe Grandma doesn’t have a lot of knowledge when it comes to today’s information technology, but that sage advice, a stitch in time saves nine could be the opening line for an IT manifesto.

Bad guys are getting better at disguising phishing scams and malware, and your email account is a vulnerable (and favorite) place for hackers to break in. Threats come in many forms—messages can be intercepted as they bounce from server to server, a simple advertisement can link to dangerous malware, sensitive information can be accessed through your saved or backed up emails, and when using a shared network, anyone can easily capture your email login credentials and any messages you send or receive.

While many companies set up strict policies for their users browsers and invest in advanced network security, there is often minimal protection when it comes to this essential part of your daily communications. Look at what’s happening with the IRS right now—in all, hackers made about 200,000 attempts to access “Get Transcript” from questionable e-mail domains and 104,000 of these attempts were successful. Can’t you just imagine Grandma wagging her finger at Uncle Sam? And guess what she would be saying… Yep, that’s right!

One bad apple can spoil the whole barrel, but you don’t need to get your feathers all ruffled up about how to block spam, phishing scams, malware, and dangerous email content before it reaches your network. Grandma doesn’t need to put in her two-cents for you to understand that your business is only as strong as the people working for you. Don’t waste anymore time—make Intelinet Systems and our superior Email Protection part of your team and we will keep your network guarded against all the latest threats, so you can focus on securing your business.